Any news on this issue?
Solved can not add youtube link in article
i create a article , and try to add youtube video using click + video tab . but even i saved it , article seems empty ! -
hi @ercanyuzuk
could you please explain the bit more by sharing the screenshot or mention your uvdesk version. - 21 days later
hi @bansalvaish
my project (1.0.12) is on Centos 7, also i installed uvdesk 1.0.12 to Ubuntu 20.04 for testing. the issue occurs both os.
also, i added i frame code , but when i save it , iframe code disappears . it does not accept iframe code. still the issue exist on open source 1.0.12 version. as you know it is last version . -
by the way, if i add iframe code in the article via source code , it removes the code . it does not support iframe code ...
OK, Thanks for reporting.
We will fix this soon and revert you back here. - 4 months later
Any news on this issue?
@bansalvaish said in can not add youtube link in article:
We will fix this soon and revert you back here.
Any chance on a fix?
Ok - so the fix looks quite simple:
- Open /vendor/uvdesk/support-center-bundle/Resources/views/Templates/tinyMCE.html.twig file
- There is a tinyMCE configuration parameter invalid_elements - remove iframe from the comma separated list.
Glad to know patch is working for you. You can create a pull request for the same on github repository.
You can create a pull request here : can touch with us main repo of this project for updates: for checking it by own.
@Forcecode Thanks , it works ...