version 1.0.18 with php 8.0 , I select all tickets in the trashed and click to delete forever , but nothing happens . the tickets cannot be deleted ?
version 1.0.18 with php 8.0 , I select all tickets in the trashed and click to delete forever , but nothing happens . the tickets cannot be deleted ?
it works after update the TicketService.php ,
@ercanyuzuk Are you able to reproduce on https://demo.uvdesk.com?
Issue happen with ticket created by email, by web or both?
Have you tried to debug the issue?
I tested permanent deletion of one ticket and works.
I'm not able to reproduce.
Maybe will be useful have here steps to reproduce.
Please test if the issue is present also with a single ticket selection deletion.
@peopleinside i've check again , I select all tickets in trashed folder , deleting the ticket at the top of the list !
@ercanyuzuk the issue is present also with a single ticket selection?
Are you able to reproduce in the demo: https://demo.uvdesk.com/
it works after update the TicketService.php ,
@ercanyuzuk thanks for the updates.
Did you edited the original file or just you simply updated the file?
I was unable to reproduce the reported issue here but I'm glad if you was able to resolve by updating that file.
i didn't edit it , just copied from github and replace it this is the updated version for 1.0.18 ...
@ercanyuzuk As I run the latest version there is no issue for me, maybe your file was not updated with the latest one.
I'm glad you resolved
If any one facing the same issue then
Please locate path in your project.
Open TicketService.php and Replace it from here.
Save the file and try again.