Solved How Admin can update password of Agents and Customer?
I am using the community helpdesk for internal support. Can I as an admin update password on behalf of my agent and customer?
You can achieve this by simply made few changes.
>>>For changing password for Agents:
locate path in your project:vendor->uvdesk->core-framework->Resources->views->Agent->updateSupportAgent.html.twig
open this file reach to this section
And replace:
{% if userDetails and userDetails.isVerified %}
{% if user_service.isAccessAuthorized('ROLE_ADMIN') %}
>>>For changing Customers password:
locate path in your project:
open this file reach to this section
And replace :
{% if userDetails and userDetails.isVerified %}
{% if user_service.isAccessAuthorized('ROLE_ADMIN') %}
Hi UVDesk,
I used the instructions above. The administrator can change the agent's password but cannot change the member's password, the member password is not updated in the database.
I use version 1.0.13 (2021-04-02).
Please help me! -
are you taking about customer password update by admin?
Yes, Admin cannot update password of customer.
We will check and let you update.
Locate file in your project:
vendor/uvdesk/core-framework/Controller/Customer.phpOpen Customer.php and replace its code from here.
Now clear your project cache by:
php bin/console c:cNow update the password for customer and try to login using credentials.
If still any problem exist please let us know.
You help very quickly. Customer's password has been updated. Thank you so much UVdesk.