Hey so love the project idea but whenever I go to set it up I get this error and I'm not sure why I am getting it is anyone able to tell me what is going wrong with it?
Solved Help with a fresh install
@Ultra-Plankton I'm sorry for the delay. I'm no more active as before in this community and your post was holding a moderation.
I approved it, soon a UVdesk staff will reply to your question.Thank you for the patience.
Tagging: @Komal-Sharma
@Ultra-Plankton what PHP version are you running?
How did you installed UVDesk: using composer, Docker or what?
What version of UVdesk are you trying to install?This infos can help developers and staff to reply to your topic.
So currently trying to do it with php 8.1.2
Uvdesk 1.0.18
I couldn’t get composer to work because it was reading for php 7 and I couldn’t get php 7. So just with wget and manually run it -
@Ultra-Plankton thanks for the info.
Composer can run with PHP 8.x but you need use the updated composer version 2 the latest.Also latest UVdesk version is v1.1.3
https://github.com/uvdesk/community-skeleton/releases/tag/v1.1.3For know why the error and what to do we need wait a UVdesk staff reply
Oh alright maybe thats why I didn’t see that was there I will try running it with composer 2 when I get home and update
@Ultra-Plankton If I'm not wrong, those can be just warnings for UVdesk developers.
I think you can ignore them. Is the installation working? -
No its not I get a error saying that it refused to connect when I open the web ui. After I installed apache2 and it just loads the default apache page -
@Ultra-Plankton what steps did you follow:
- were you able to install composer 2?
- after that was you able to run the installation wizard? If yes all checks was green passed?
After the installation the home page of the ticket was showed correctly?
Maybe a video of the installation process and encountered issue can help better to understand. -
I can show a video when I get home tonight but I couldn’t even get to the installation wizard. Composer 2 was installed successfully -
@Ultra-Plankton remember also that in the browser you may need load the public folder because if you see a default Apache page can be the URL in the browser that is wrong.
@peopleinside It saying I can't upload the video
After install composer 2. Try with the latest version of uvdesk v-1.1.3. Also, once you can check the below these cases and make changes accordingly:
A web server might don't have permission to allow overriding of the Apache config on a per-directory basis. Allow Override needs to be set to All for the directory block as mentioned below:
<Directory /home/users/var/www/htdocs> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Require all granted
If your database password contains some special character(such as #$%@) then change your password and make it without special characters.
Locate the .env file in your project and make sure APP_ENV=dev when you are doing your setup.
Allow read-write permission for the below file & folder:
For .env file – chmod 777 -R path of .env file of UVdesk project
For Var folder -chmod 777 -R path of var folder of UVdesk project
For Config folder – chmod 777 -R path of config folder of UVdesk
For Public folder – chmod 777 -R path of the public folder of UVdesk
For Migration folder – chmod 777 -R path of the migration folder of UVdeskIt happens mainly because of less execution time in the php.ini file.
By default, max_execution_time is 30 sec you need to increase it and restart your server.
Check here how to increase the max-execution time and restart your server.
And clear your project cache using the below command:
$ php bin/console c:c
Now try to install your project.
=> Also, run the below commands in your project root directory:
$ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff $ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
And clear the cache of the project:
$ php bin/console c:c
=> Once you try with the manual installation of uvdesk from here.
If the issue is still in the manual installation setup, let us know.
Thanks and Regards
Uvdesk Team -
peopleinside 10 Jul 2023, 14:10