After install composer 2. Try with the latest version of uvdesk v-1.1.3. Also, once you can check the below these cases and make changes accordingly:
A web server might don't have permission to allow overriding of the Apache config on a per-directory basis. Allow Override needs to be set to All for the directory block as mentioned below:
<Directory /home/users/var/www/htdocs>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
If your database password contains some special character(such as #$%@) then change your password and make it without special characters.
Locate the .env file in your project and make sure APP_ENV=dev when you are doing your setup.
Allow read-write permission for the below file & folder:
For .env file – chmod 777 -R path of .env file of UVdesk project
For Var folder -chmod 777 -R path of var folder of UVdesk project
For Config folder – chmod 777 -R path of config folder of UVdesk
For Public folder – chmod 777 -R path of the public folder of UVdesk
For Migration folder – chmod 777 -R path of the migration folder of UVdesk
It happens mainly because of less execution time in the php.ini file.
By default, max_execution_time is 30 sec you need to increase it and restart your server.
Check here how to increase the max-execution time and restart your server.
And clear your project cache using the below command:
$ php bin/console c:c
Now try to install your project.
=> Also, run the below commands in your project root directory:
$ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
$ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
And clear the cache of the project:
$ php bin/console c:c
=> Once you try with the manual installation of uvdesk from here.
If the issue is still in the manual installation setup, let us know.
Thanks and Regards
Uvdesk Team