Hi, I try to install uvdesk but if I try from web I receive "No input file specified.", If I try to install from console the system write that the DB are not avaiable, I have php 7.4 and Mysql 10.. why?
thank you
Hi, I try to install uvdesk but if I try from web I receive "No input file specified.", If I try to install from console the system write that the DB are not avaiable, I have php 7.4 and Mysql 10.. why?
thank you
@SCoccia said in No input file specified:
No input file specified.
Did you try to search this error in the web?
Maybe you have some server configuration issue?!
Look here for example:
Or just try to do a search on the web
@SCoccia Hi,
welcome in the UVdesk community! I hope your day and your week is going well!
Are you sure Mysql is 10 and not 8?
Hi, I try to install uvdesk but if I try from web I receive "No input file specified."
What steps are you following for install UVdesk?
You can find the relative guide here: https://forums.uvdesk.com/topic/1925/installing-and-setup-uvdesk-for-the-first-time
Maybe some screenshot of the error you get with the steps you followed can help to provide a better response.
Hi thank you for the reply
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 742122
Server version: 10.3.31-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 Ubuntu 20.04
I have Plesk and I can't run from user the command, I can enter to directory only from root
composer create-project uvdesk/community-skeleton helpdesk-project
If I try to launch php
root@mail:/var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/helpdesk.mydomain.com# php bin/console d:s:u --force
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\ClassNotFoundException: Attempted to load class "ContextualizedDumper" from namespace "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper".
Did you forget a "use" statement for another namespace? in /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/helpdesk.mydomain.com/var/cache/dev/Container55AlTD1/srcApp_KernelDevDebugContainer.php:4642
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/helpdesk.mydomain.com/var/cache/dev/Container55AlTD1/srcApp_KernelDevDebugContainer.php(2148): Container55AlTD1\srcApp_KernelDevDebugContainer->getDebug_DumpListenerService()
#1 /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/helpdesk.mydomain.com/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php(279): Container55AlTD1\srcApp_KernelDevDebugContainer->Container55AlTD1\{closure}()
#2 /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/helpdesk.mydomain.com/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php(90): Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->sortListeners()
#3 /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/helpdesk.mydomain.com/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/TraceableEventDi in /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/helpdesk.mydomain.com/var/cache/dev/Container55AlTD1/srcApp_KernelDevDebugContainer.php on line 4642
If I try from web http://mysubdomain.mydomain.com/public I recevive "No input file specified."
@SCoccia thanks for the updates.
Let's wait UVdesk team reply.
@SCoccia Please check if this GitHub topic can be useful for you:
Ok I have resolved the first step (from plesk I have create a user to work in ssh) I have removed all and Installed a clean version, but when I try to connect to db... nothing
Examining helpdesk setup for any configuration issues:
[-] Establishing a connection with database server
[x] Unable to establish a connection with database server
Unable to connect with your database server, please check the details provided.
Do you wish to try again? [Y/N]
server: localhost
port: 3306
name db: namedb
name user: name user
password :mypassword
but nothing... not connect..
@SCoccia do you run something else with the database? I mean you are not using a database for the first time!?
Are you sure credentials works and has inserted correctly?
Usually when I get some database connection error I check if I'm able to login in phpmyadmin with the same relative credentials than I ensure to have inserted correct credentials in the app.. you know sometimes is just enought press wrong one letter in the keyboard.
You can also try to install UVdesk using the web interface just point to your UVdesk folder than public folder.
Be sure also you have correct file permissions:
Folder permission on setup
.env file in the main root UVdesk folder need to be changed from 664 to 755 (777 only if you still get errors) and set again, after the setup, to 644
var and config folders 755 too than 755 after the setup
If you forget to change the permission from 777 you will have a potential security issue on your server.
Mysql is ok because if I try from shell
mysql -u user -p
and put the password is all ok
I have tryed to set permission to folder and file but nothing not accept...
from web (is the first test) I recevice "No input file specified." in the withe paper...
if I run php bin/console d:s:u --force
I receive this... is normal?
In AbstractMySQLDriver.php line 128:
An exception occurred in driver: could not find driver
In Exception.php line 18:
could not find driver
In PDOConnection.php line 39:
could not find driver
doctrine:schema:update [--complete] [--dump-sql] [-f|--force] [--em [EM]] [-h|--help] [-q|--quiet] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-V|--version] [--ansi] [--no-ansi] [-n|--no-interaction] [-e|--env ENV] [--no-debug] [--] <command>
@SCoccia I suggest to check you .env file, do you see that in this file the database credentials you inserted in the web wizard has been saved into this file?
If I can remember well when I installed my UVdesk instance I was not able to do by SSH I done it using the web wizard.
Sometimes when I get error in the installation I need remove all (be sure the database is empty), the folder and installing again the folder than not try to install by SSH but by using the web interface. Maybe you can try to set file permission as I mentioned before than run the wizard.
If you get some error in the wizard a screenshot can help maybe to better understand.
If you want try to chat with me and if I want I try to help you with the installation you can look here: https://helpdesk.peopleinside.it/en/blog/uv
@SCoccia said in No input file specified:
No input file specified.
Did you try to search this error in the web?
Maybe you have some server configuration issue?!
Look here for example:
Or just try to do a search on the web
@SCoccia maybe your .env file has been written already.
I suggest to check if the database is empty, no table in phpmyadmin, erase UVdesk root folder and all files than recreate again the UVdesk folder with the SSH command
composer create-project uvdesk/community-skeleton helpdesk-project
than check file permission and change if necessary, point the browser to the Wizard installation and install.
Check here hope it will help.
Please enable permission for .env file and reload page again and setup again from step 1.
If still you are facing the issues then you can try manual installation as well.
First thank you...
secondo the problem is that the password DB have @ and the system not accept it... I have changed and the installation is ok now
Glad to know that.
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@Sanjeev can be the @ that create issue in database password be fixed and tested?
Use the urlencode function to encode a MySQL password containing special chars.
Edit doctrine.yaml file under (config->packages) of your project.
Replace below line:
url: '%env(DATABASE_URL)%'
By new line:
url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_URL)%'
Hope it will help.
@Sanjeev new UVdesk users will continue to face installing and database issue, maybe there is no way to fix this?
I mean avoid that a new user that use a good database password with special characters will face issue of database wrong password when is not. I have to remember always to say to users that they need check their password that should not have special characters or need follow special instructions?