@hernandezfo2 Thank you for your message, please hold on for a reply from a developer.
Solved Stuck installing v1.0.18 on Windows server 2016
I am installing v1.0.18 on windows server 2016. I already executed following steps:
WAMP downloaded and installed (7.4.25)
Composer installed.
New folder created:
X:\Bitnami\wampstack-7.4.25-0\apache2\htdocs\UVDesk\ -
Mailparse and Imap setup:
php_mailparse-3.1.2-7.4-ts-vc15-x64.zip downloaded and php_mailparse.dll copied into X:\Bitnami\wampstack-7.4.25-0\php\ext
extension added into php.ini:
Imap extension enabled
- Install uvdesk:
X:\Bitnami\wampstack-7.4.25-0\apache2\htdocs\UVDesk\composer create-project uvdesk/community-skeleton helpdesk-project
Issue found!!!! While installation is running:
rename the filename
installation is failing because of this!!!!!According to the installation procedure, I should go to: http://domain/installed_folder/public/, but I am getting:
No route found for "GET /uvdesk/helpdesk-project/public/" (from "http://localhost/uvdesk/helpdesk-project/")......
I created a new DB, new DB user and added into .env file, then I executed
php bin/console uvdesk:configure-helpdesk
Examining helpdesk setup for any configuration issues:
Examining helpdesk setup for any configuration issues:
Establishing a connection with database server
[v] Successfully established a connection with database uvdeskComparing the uvdesk database schema with the current mapping metadata.
[v] The current database schema is up-to-date with the current mapping metdata.Checking if an active super admin account existsIn ConfigureHelpdesk.php line 241:
Call to a member function fetch() on bool
uvdesk:configure-helpdesk [-h|--help] [-q|--quiet] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-V|--version] [--ansi] [--no-ansi] [-n|--no-interaction] [-e|--env ENV] [--no-debug] [--] <command>
Seems like the DB must be created (where is it?, is the installation/configuration process creating it?), I am not sure if I am missing a step, or something is going wrong with the installation.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
@hernandezfo2 Thank you for your message, please hold on for a reply from a developer.
Are you installing project using command or web installer?
If using command then please try web installer as well if you are facing the same issue or not.Or you can try manual installation method as well for this.
https://github.com/uvdesk/community-skeleton/issues/290#issuecomment-661113642 -
peopleinside 11 Jan 2022, 10:44
@sanjeev Thanks for your reply, I was able to install and setup the DB (steps 3 and 4) using https://github.com/uvdesk/community-skeleton/issues/290#issuecomment-661113642, I also executed php bin/console uvdesk:configure-helpdesk and no errors where displayed, but when I try to navigate to http://localhost/uvdesk/helpdesk-project/public I am getting:
No route found for "GET /uvdesk/helpdesk-project/public/" (from "http://localhost/uvdesk/helpdesk-project/")
How web install works? I did not see it in the installation instructions, As I mentioned, I am installing uvdesk in a windows 2016 server.
Thanks again
peopleinside 11 Jan 2022, 20:32
Have you fully done all the step mentioned for manual installation.
As if you are running http://localhost/uvdesk/helpdesk-project/ it will automatically redirected to http://localhost/uvdesk/helpdesk-project/en if you have properly migrated the database for project and using same db details in your .env file of project.Please check it https://docs.uvdesk.com/uvdemo/installation/installation-windows.html for webinstaller.
peopleinside 12 Jan 2022, 08:18
@sanjeev, Thanks for replying....
Yes, I followed all manual installation steps, but I can't login:
Login URl: your_domain/en/member/login (Default URl)
In fact when I run this:
http://localhost/uvdesk/helpdesk-project/ , it is just browsing site folders and when I try to navigate to http://localhost/uvdesk/helpdesk-project/public I am getting the route error, I had also reviewed
https://docs.uvdesk.com/uvdemo/installation/installation-windows.html and I got stuck in step 2, because I can't navigate to http://localhost/uvdesk/helpdesk-project/public.Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
Have you checked in manual installation if your database fully migrated ?
If yes please check if your database details correct in .env file of your project.
Finally run command from project route.
php bin/console d:s:u --forceFinally try to login using given default admin details.
@sanjeev, Thanks for replying.
DB is there, I just checked with phpmyadmin, creds looks good in .env file.
I ran this command from project route.
php bin/console d:s:u --forcethen tried:
http://localhost/uvdesk/helpdesk-project/ , it is just browsing site folders and when I try to navigate to http://localhost/uvdesk/helpdesk-project/public I am getting the route errorThen: I tried:
http://localhost/uvdesk/helpdesk-project/public/index.php and it redirected to http://localhost/uvdesk/helpdesk-project/public/index.php/en/ and shows a home page, so, I change url to:
http://localhost/uvdesk/helpdesk-project/public/index.php/en/member/login and I was able to log on with credentials provided, so seems like http://localhost/uvdesk/helpdesk-project/public route is not defined correctly, since it is not redirecting to index.php.
Thanks again for your help...
Normally if you access public folder it will directly hit index.php file automatically.
But in your case most probably your .htaccess file is not working so that you are required to add index.php in URL to run project.Open your .htaccess file under public folder of your project and add some random text at the top and save your file.
Now try to access your project.
Case 1:
If you are getting 500 Internal server error after adding a random text in .htaccess file.
It means it is working.
Case 2:
If you are still able to access public path of project which means .htaccess it is not working yet.
so you need to enable it in case of linux.
Open your apache2.conf file and Allow overwrite All.
<Directory /home/users/www>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all grantedhere.
Now also you need to run two below commands for enabling mod rewrite rule.
a2enmod rewrite
service apache2 restartFor windows you need to make changes for apache config file as same we have done above for linux.
@sanjeev, Thanks again for helping me out with this, once I change .htaccess file adding random text I get 500 internal server error. I will check apache configuration and htaccess file as well and will share with you my findings.
Thanks again