@SCoccia Look at your host filed, is not configured correctly.
You need specify the folder where email are (inbox)
Please consider the example sent to you and be sure to respect it.
If your domain has not been configured for have a valid certificate for email the system can be unable to send or receive emails also if you set the configuration correctly.
If you try with Gmail you will be sure the certified used by Gmail is recognized.
In my personal UVdesk install I use my domain but I have a valid certificate also for email that is not self signed.
you can try to configure your email address in an email client be sure to not add any exception if you see a warning on the certificate. If you see a warning on the certificate than you can have issues or you need ignore the certificate check.
I never remind what string you need add for ignore certificate verification.
You can search on the web. Let me see if I can find for you.
Ignore the cert verification can be a security weakness.
If I will find how and what string I will tell you.
Found, example below: