It may difficult to find which users should add when having two similar name. Thus is there any way where i can display only users email while adding them in group?
Thanks in advance!!
It may difficult to find which users should add when having two similar name. Thus is there any way where i can display only users email while adding them in group?
Thanks in advance!!
Locate path in your project:
open createSupportGroup.html and updateSupportGroup.html and make update as suggested below.
For group user new group create page:
Write email in place of name like instead of write
For group user update page:
Do the same with other where you want to update.
Ok i will also update it in my project , few days have same issue in project so i google my problem.
Thanks in advance,
Ali Sami Farooq
We glad to know the solution given above worked for you. Stay tuned with forum you can solve your problems and get updates for most of the problem how to solve them which is normally faced by community.
@Sanjeev Thank you so much for your favor....
Merry Christmas,
Ali Sami Farooq
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