Please check this hopefully it will help.
when ticket is created by email the link to reach the ticket is sent in English with the en slash.
I use Italian as default language.
Any suggestion on what I can edit for fix this issue?
Thank you.
Already reported on GitHub:
locate path in your project:
Open Ticket.php now find public function loadTicket() here.
Add below lines on line no. 60:
$router = $this->container->get('router');
$viewTicketURLAgent = $router->generate('helpdesk_member_ticket', [
'ticketId' => $ticket->getId(),
], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);
dump($viewTicketURLAgent); die;
Now go to admin panel ticket list and load a ticket.
It will show you the URL which will become your ticket link in emails like this
We will check for ticket link if ticket created using email and update you !!
@Sanjeev this is not useful.
This is not a fix, the URL showed is with it correct but the issue is not in the web interface where if a ticket is created it has the right language. The issue is when an email sent to the support email address open a ticket.
"Customer" receive the link to the English interface when the default should be Italian one.
How can I fix this?
Please check this hopefully it will help.
@Sanjeev Thank you, I will test this. Closed the issue for now and suggested on GitHub to update your documentation.
Defiantly we will update it on our documentation.