@Sanjeev I updated and graphically all works this means
- I'm able to submit ticket by web
- I'm able to login as customer and as operator
but I tested ticket by email and this did not work!
So what happen: email are flagged as read but no ticket is opened.
By doing the cron by SSH I get:
1. Processing uvdesk mailbox configuration.
2. Opening imap stream...
3. IMAP stream opened.
4. Fetching Email collection since 22 March 2021.
1. Processing uvdesk mailbox configuration.
2. Opening imap stream...
3. IMAP stream opened.
4. Fetching Email collection since 22 March 2021.
5. Total fetched email -> 1
6. Starting to convert Emails into Tickets ->
Converting email 1 out of 1.
Mailbox refreshed successfully !!!
1. Processing uvdesk mailbox configuration.
Consider I tried to send email ticket from different Gmail email address to different ticket email address.
No ticket has been created if ticket arrive by email.
For the update process I just replaced uvdesk folder inside vendor and updated twig.yaml and uvdesk.yaml inside the config/packages
As the update never create ticket by email I need immediately resume the previous ticket version and wait for your support.
And the status ticket when customer are logged into the system are not translated.
In the list of customer ticket the status say open and is not translated on my language.