
You can follow the official image for uvdesk installation. Please follow the below link:


But this is not an updated uvdesk version.

Alternatively, You can follow the below steps for the latest uvdesk version installation:

Step 1: Install the latest uvdesk using the composer command:

$ composer create-project uvdesk/community-skeleton helpdesk-project

Step 2: Now change the Dockerfile under your project:

FROM ubuntu:18.04


FROM ubuntu:latest

Step 3: Now change the uvdesk-entrypoint.sh file under your project follow the below path:

your-project-name/.docker/bash /uvdesk-entrypoint.sh

Step 4: Now you will be create a docker image in installed project root directory follow the below command:

$ docker build -t {IMAGE_NAME} .


Step 5: After that you will be deploying the container using the below command:

$ docker run -dit -p {AVAILABLE_PORT}:80 --name {CONTAINER_NAME} {IMAGE_NAME}


Also, you can follow the steps from here.

Step 6: Now you will be run your project with configured port.

Once make a try with the above steps. If you have any query then let us know.