Welcome to the UVdesk community!
If you don't have a community account yet you should be able to create one on the top bar, right side.
We have simple rules:
- respect
- no spam
- no illegal content
- single account **
If you are facing any issues with the community registration or your account
you can always get in touch with a moderator or with the UVdesk support.
If you are facing login issues you can >> reach me << on my personal UVdesk instance.
I will be happy to help in real time (live chat) or in a short time (ticket).
You can also always visit the UVdesk support center at https://support.uvdesk.com/en/
We are always working to improve UVdesk and also this community!
Recently we added some community spam and prevention of abuses rules and also some checks
so some profiles maybe banned if they are violating our simple rules.
Regular good users shouldn't have any issue on using and registering on the UVdesk community.
If you are facing any issues feel free to contact us.
Duplicate account can be banned
** single account: regular community user usually need a single account for interact in the community.
If you try to create multiple community accounts, your registration will probably queued for moderation approval and usually this means seconds registration are refused, first account and IP banned. If you need a second account please open a support topic from your first account or ask for support.
Your registration is queued for moderation or account has been banned but you are not a spam bot and need a second account that is now in the moderation queue? Ask for support.
Community Support
If you need support with this community or need a second account and you need avoid the ban you can message me.
Privacy and cookie policy can be found there: https://www.uvdesk.com/en/privacy-policy/