Unsolved configure-helpdesk XmlFIleLoader.php error
I'm trying to create my instance of Uvhelpdesk from the downloaded zip file.
uvdesk-community-current-stable.zipI'm on ubuntu 20.04 and php7.4
I am getting several errors, the first is:
In XmlFileLoader.php line 407:
Unable to parse file "/home/uvdesk/workstation/www/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/DependencyInjection/../Resources/con
fig/dbal.xml": The XML file "/home/uvdesk/workstation/www/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/DependencyInjection/../Resour
ces/config/dbal.xml" is not valid.A previous run of configure-helpdesk indicated I needed DOM. Maybe I installed DOM wrong?
Am I missing a dependency?Thanks - Dean
@palousecom Hi and thank you for your question!
PHP 7.4 has been deprecated since long time and can be a security issue use that PHP version.
Please upgrade your PHP to PHP 8.2 or superior
https://www.php.net/supported-versions.php -
I'll upgrade. The install instructions said to use PHP 7.4 or newer.
@palousecom maybe instructions are not updated, sorry for that.
You can monitor what PHP version is supported from the PHP link above.PHP no more supported means can have security issues.
Hi, did your problem resolve with the PHP upgrade?